At Tonnellerie Ô we produce two different formats for our French Export Selection barrels – a Bordeaux Export and a Burgundy Export – and offer four basic toast profiles (Blonde, Medium, Medium Plus and Heavy).
Bespoke Selections are barrels you can customize with our Master Cooper Quinn Roberts to achieve the aesthetic and/or flavor profile you intend for a specific wine.
Lighter hand in toasting to give a uniquely elegant style
Our 225L barrels are made from a blend of wood from four regions within Northern France (Hauts-de-France, Île-de-France, Normandy and Grand Est), which include the forests of Halatte, Chantilly, Fontainebleau, Darney and Bellême, among others. Our Burgundy Export Barrels are produced from a blend of wood from four regions in the Center of France (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Val de Loire and Centre-Val de Loire), which include the forests of Orléans, Saint-Palais, Tronçais, Bercé and Bertranges, among others. All staves are seasoned for at least 36 months at the mill where they are made before shipment to our cooperage in Benicia, California.
Application: For wines that show an affinity for the best characteristics of classic French oak
Available Toasts: Blonde, Medium, Medium Plus, Heavy
Source: Central France, Northern France
Grain: Fine
Volume: 225L, 228L
Stave thickness: 27mm
Heading thickness: 27mm
Seasoning: 36 months
New level of partnership between winemaker and cooper
When you choose to work with our Bespoke Selections, you have the option to choose your toast profile, select nonstandard sizes including 200L and 265L formats, adjust stave thickness, add toasted heads and include your logo on the barrel head. For an additional cost, you also may order Château formats, identify forests (when available), extend seasoning, specify grain density, and substitute American oak heads (Hybrid).
Application: For winemakers who want to challenge perceptions and explore the possibilities of French oak and its relationship with their wine
Available Toasts: Custom
Source: Central France, Northern France
Grain: Fine, Extra Fine
Volume: 200L, 225L, 228L, 265L
Stave thickness: 22mm, 27mm
Heading thickness: 22mm, 27mm
Seasoning: 36 months
Ô French Collection